NFTs and ARTECHOUSE Experiential NFTs

With ARTECHOUSE’s onsite exclusive NFT drop TRUST [Futures Archive] by fuse*, you have the opportunity to own a piece of the exhibition to become part of the next wave of digital art collectors and join us in redefining audience participation.

About NFTs and ARTECHOUSE Experiential NFTs: 

What is a NFT? (Non-Fungible Tokens)

NFTs transform digital works of art and other collectibles into one-of-a-kind, verifiable assets that are easy to trade on the blockchain. The digital blockchain database underpins cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Unlike currencies, however, NFTs are unique and not mutually interchangeable.

What is an ARTECHOUSE “Experiential” NFT?

ARTECHOUSE’s unique approach to NFT art encourages everyone to become a collector, and not just a viewer, of incredible experiential art. These immersive, exhibition-based NFTs are a chance to collect memories, whilst making digital art collecting accessible to anyone. Purchasing a unique Experiential NFT at an ARTECHOUSE location makes art a participatory experience.

What differentiates ARTECHOUSE Experiential NFTs from other NFT collectibles?

ARTECHOUSE offers collectors the opportunity to purchase “digital art” that has previously only existed in the physical realm for collectors to experience taking a piece instead of a purely digital experience made for the screen. 

About the Collection

ARTECHOUSE presents TRUST [Futures Archive] by fuse*, a collection from TRUST on view at ARTECHOUSE NYC through May 8th, 2022. The exhibition represents trust as a complex and multiform force capable of altering our perception of reality. 

This collection focuses on the generative aspect of the exhibition. Artworks are created from the continuous prediction of the future trust index based on the analysis of financial and social data. An ongoing simulation that challenges our perception of the future and stimulates new ways of interpreting complex interactions. 

Every artwork is a simulated landscape from a unique version of a predicted future from the algorithm. A new future is created at any given moment as a result of numerous interactions humans play a crucial role. Our actions and choices now weave the texture of the world we will live in the future. 

fuse* is a multidisciplinary art studio working with emerging technology to interpret the complexity of human and natural phenomena. The studio’s research focuses primarily on the production of installations and live media performances which instill wonder and motivate audiences to challenge what is possible. 

About the Artwork

TRUST [Future Archive] is a unique video simulation representing a digital landscape elaborated through the analysis and re-interpretation of real-world data by generative algorithms. It depicts an exploration of the possible futures unceasingly generated by the main prediction algorithm following the prediction of the trust index for the next 100 years. It is a one -minute animation of an alternative version of a future imagined by the algorithm.